Frequently Asked Questions

Can I cancel my order after I've made a purchase on the website? - You can.

We allow cancellation and order changes within 24 hours of placing your order.

If you request order cancellation within 24 hours, we will refund the entire amount of the order.

If more than 24 hours have elapsed since you’ve placed your order, we cannot cancel or change your order. That’s because we process and ship out most orders within 24 hours of you placing the order (REFUNDS Will Be Given Out within 72 Hours).

How do I return or exchange an item? - Our Guarantee.

Our return policy lasts 30 days beginning only when our package is delivered to your address.

We will accept any returns for all undamaged items within 30 days to guarantee customer expectations and ensure satisfaction of your purchases.

We're confident our premium curated products selection will meet or exceed your expectations but if you want to make a return - please contact our support team at and we will respond within 24 hours to assist with the process. 

What types of Payment do you accept? - All Standard Payments.

We accept all Payments by PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and American Express.

What are your shipping options?

Currently we can only offer one standard shipping option.

What if the item I ordered arrives broken or damaged?

We'll make it up to if you in the case that it does. We take great care in selecting the manufacturers of our curated collections. If you discover a flaw or fault in the item please contact us within the first 7 days of receiving that item and we'll work it out with you.